Physical, sexual, and emotional child abuse and neglect reflect a devastating corruption of the child-caretaker relationship and have deleterious effects on both intrapsychic and interpersonal development. In this course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson considers emotional, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes; multigenerational issues; and pertinent DSM diagnoses. His in-depth discussion from a psychodynamic perspective includes considerations of trans-diagnostic issues such as substance abuse, eating disorders, PTSD, and personality disorders. Case examples are discussed. Please note that this material, by its nature, may be stressful.
The course includes an online written manuscript and accompanying audio files, for optional review in multiple modalities. An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course. A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson. May be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. 8 CE credits. Intermediate level. $119.