
Online Courses

Audio Courses

Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Psychodynamics of Child Abuse and Trauma (8 CE Credits)
Physical, sexual, and emotional child abuse and neglect reflect a devastating corruption of the child-caretaker relationship and have deleterious effects on both intrapsychic and interpersonal development.   In this course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson considers emotional, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes; multigenerational issues; and pertinent DSM diagnoses.  His in-depth discussion from a psychodynamic perspective includes considerations of trans-diagnostic issues such as substance abuse, eating disorders, PTSD, and personality disorders.  Case examples are discussed.  Please note that this material, by its nature, may be stressful. The course includes an online written manuscript and accompanying audio files, for optional review in multiple modalities.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course. A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson.  May be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  8 CE credits.  Intermediate level.  $119.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Ego Psychology (8 CE Credits)
Ego psychology represents a particular emphasis of psychoanalytic theory and practice that focuses upon the significance of the ego system, and is a major theoretical model in American psychoanalysis. In this ego psychology course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson begins with a brief overview of the evolution of S. Freud’s perspectives on the role of the ego, includes A. Freud’s contributions to understanding the dynamics of ego defenses, and ends with Hartmann’s elaborations on the ego as a system for adaptation.   The course includes an online written transcript and accompanying audio files, for optional review in multiple modalities.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 8 CE credits.  Introductory level.  Recommended prerequisite: Classical Psychoanalytic Theory.  A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson.  This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  $119.  
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Classical Psychoanalytic Theory (8 CE Credits)
With Freud’s challenge to free will, it is little wonder that psychoanalysis has been the object of so much controversy.  In this classical psychoanalytic theory course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson examines the basic principles and models of Freudian psychoanalytic theory.  The course begins with a review of the theory's presuppositions of psychological determinism, consciousness, motivation, and a genetic approach, and then describes and discusses, in depth, the dynamic-economic, topographic, structural, adaptive, and genetic models of the theory. The course includes an online written manuscript and accompanying audio file, for optional review in multiple modalities.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 8 CE credits.  Introductory level.  A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson.  This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  $119.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Object Relations Theory (8 CE Credits)
Object relations theory reflects a perspective of psychoanalysis that emphasizes the significance of the interpersonal experience on the development of mind and character.  In this course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson begins with the work of Melanie Klein, as contrasted with that of S. Freud, and then moves on to examine that of Fairbairn, Balint, Winnicott, and Guntrip.  This course provides essential groundwork for more recent developments in theory.   The course includes an online written manuscript and accompanying audio files, for optional review in multiple modalities.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 8 CE credits.  Introductory level.  Recommended prerequisite: Classical Psychoanalytic Theory.  A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson.  This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  $119.  
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Personality Disorders from a Psychoanalytic Perspective (8 CE Credits)
Psychoanalytic thought, from the pioneering work of S. Freud, Abraham, and Fenichel, to the contemporary work of Kohut, Kernberg, Masterson, and Bollas, offers rich insights into an understanding of personality formation and pathology. In this course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson considers Personality Disorders described in the atheoretical compendium, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), through the lenses of a variety of psychoanalytic theories, to deepen the clinician’s work with these patients.   The course includes an online written manuscript and accompanying audio files, for optional review in multiple modalities.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 8 CE credits.  Intermediate level.  A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson.  This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  $119.    
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Psychodynamics of the Therapeutic Relationship (8 CE Credits)
While the therapeutic alliance, transference, countertransference, defenses, and resistances comprise the cornerstone of psychodynamic psychotherapy, they are relevant to virtually all forms of psychotherapy.  By monitoring, examining, and exploring these concepts, the therapy is moved beyond the day-to-day examination of circumstances and events into the reality of meanings, conflicts, and imagination.  In this course, Dr. Michael J. Gerson will provide you with "tools" to differentiate each of these components and how they contribute to your clinical assessment and interventions.  The course includes an online written manuscript and accompanying audio files, for optional review in multiple modalities.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 8 CE credits.  Intermediate level.  A brief video provides opening remarks by Dr. Gerson.  This course may be applied to our Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  $119.      

Articles and Books

Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Couch or Face-to-Face Seating in Psychoanalysis? (1 CE Credit)
Schools of psychoanalytic thought vary in their adherence to use of “the couch”, wherein eye contact is minimized between analyst and analysand. Current research demonstrates a neurobiological relationship between eye contact, arousal, and various emotions. Based on this research, might some situations benefit from use of the couch and others from face-to-face positioning in psychoanalysis? Earn 1 CE credit for reading this brief journal article, which reviews the scientific research in terms of object relations and patients’ varying needs. The article is open access (Önen Ünsalver et al. [2021]. The changeable positioning of the couch and repositioning to face-to-face arrangement in psychoanalysis to facilitate the experience of being seen. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(718319), 1-4. A Certificate of Completion follows passing an online multiple choice test. Introductory level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $14.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
What Works in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Adolescents? (2 CE Credits)
Research supports the effectiveness of psychodynamic work with adolescents, but psychodynamic approaches are complex. What aspects of the treatment can account for its success with adolescents? Earn 2 CE credits for reading a journal article that presents findings from in-depth interviews with adolescents enrolled in a 28-week online program of psychodynamic psychotherapy. The interviews reveal a number of factors that predict successful treatment and give us a deeper understanding of adolescents’ experience of the process. The article is open access: Løvgren et al. (2019). How do adolescents with depression experience improvement in psychodynamic psychotherapy? A qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry, 19(95), 1-12. A Certificate of Completion follows passing an online multiple choice test. Introductory level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $29.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Online for Adolescents (2 CE Credits)
There is growing empirical support for the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy for adolescents, particularly in treating depression. Designing treatments that are accessible and practical is an urgent challenge, leading to creative treatment delivery methods such as internet-based approaches. Earn 2 CE credits for reading a journal article that presents a randomized controlled study demonstrating the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy online for adolescents. The article is open access: Lindqvist et al. (2020). Affect-focused psychodynamic internet-based therapy for adolescent depression: Randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(3), e18047. doi:10.2196/18047. A Certificate of Completion follows passing an online multiple choice test. Introductory level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $29.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Evidence Base for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents (2 CE Credits)
The quality and quantity of empirical support for psychodynamic approaches with children and adolescents are growing, especially for such issues as depression, anxiety, emerging personality disorders, and trauma-related issues. Earn 2 CE credits for reading this journal article presenting a narrative synthesis of findings for the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy with children and adolescents (Midgley, N., Mortimer, R., Cirasola, A., Batra, P., & Kennedy, E. [2021]. The evidence-base for psychodynamic psychotherapy with children and adolescents: A narrative synthesis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-18. doi: 10.3389/psyg.2021.662671). The course begins with a brief video synopsis and preliminary discussion by Dr. Marylie Gerson of the article. A Certificate of Completion follows passing an online multiple choice test.  Introductory level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $29.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Jacques Lacan: Introductory Overview (4 CE Credits)
Learn about Jacques Lacan and his theory, and earn 4 CE credits, by reading an article by an expert on his work (Johnston, Adrian, "Jacques Lacan", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2024 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>). Please contact our Director ( for help in accessing the publication. Lacan is a provocative figure in the history of psychoanalysis and relevant to a growing body of research in neuroscience, language development, and concepts of self and identity. He viewed himself as a defender of Sigmund Freud's work, which he believed was often misinterpreted. Perhaps in part to prevent "misinterpretations" of his own work, he developed a writing style known for its complexity and elusiveness. A Certificate of Completion follows reading the article and passing an online multiple choice test. Intermediate level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Intrapersonal Factors Promoting Diversity Tolerance (2 CE Credits)
Understanding factors that promote diversity tolerance is crucial in an increasingly globalized society. Earn 2 CE credits for reading an interesting journal article by Butrus and Witenberg. The article presents an empirical study that demonstrates the importance of considering personality factors as differential predictors of tolerance regarding beliefs, speech, and actions. A Certificate of Completion follows reading the article (Butrus, N., & Witenberg, R. T. [2013]. Some personality predictors of tolerance to human diversity: The roles of openness, agreeableness, and empathy. Australian Psychologist, 48, 290-298. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-9544.2012.00081.x) and passing an online multiple choice test. Please contact the Director ( for help in accessing the article. Introductory level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $21.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Analytic Mindset (2 CE Credits)
Earn 2 CE credits for reading an interesting journal article by Dr. Stephen Seligman (Seligman, S. [2014]. Paying attention and feeling puzzled: The analytic mindset as an agent of therapeutic change. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 24, 648-662. doi: 10.1080/10481885.2014.970966). A proponent of the relational analytic approach, Seligman applies the characteristics of nonlinear dynamic systems theories to the analytic process. He discusses the psychoanalytic mindset, the value of "feeling puzzled," and the challenges of simultaneously paying close attention to what is going on while also fully engaging with the process. A Certificate of Completion follows reading the article and passing an online multiple choice test. Please contact the Director ( for help in accessing the article. Intermediate level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $20.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Intersubjectivity in Psychoanalysis (1 CE Credit)
Earn 1 CE credit for reading an interesting journal article by Dr. Alejandro Ávila (Ávila, A. [2014]. The intersubjective: A core concept for psychoanalysis. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 1-5. doi: 10.1080/0803706X.2014.967813). Ávila reviews the main tenets of the relational perspective, which focuses on intersubjectivity as a fundamental frame for humans and a means for change. He asserts, "psychoanalysis represents an opportunity of discovery, through curiosity and acceptance of uncertainty, playing with reality, where the unpredictable vicissitudes of relationality configure a scenario of change" (p. 4). A Certificate of Completion follows reading the article and passing an online multiple choice test. Please contact the Director ( for help in accessing the article. Intermediate level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $10.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Consciousness and the Id (4 CE Credits)
Earn 4 CE credits for reading an interesting article by leading researchers in neuropsychoanalysis, Solms and Panksepp (Solms, M., & Panksepp, J. [2012]. The ‘id’ knows more than the ‘ego’ admits: Neuropsychoanalytic and primal consciousness perspectives on the interface between affective and cognitive neuroscience. Brain Sciences, 2, 147-175. doi: 10.3390/brainsci2020147). This thought-provoking article revisits Freud’s understanding of consciousness from an evolutionarily-tiered scientific approach and findings from current brain research. It presents evidence for id as the seat of consciousness and suggests possible limitations of the “talking cure.” A Certificate of Completion follows reading the article and passing an online multiple choice test. Please contact the Director ( for help in accessing the article. Advanced level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $29.

Video Courses

Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Lacan – Inspired Psychotherapy (4 CE Credits)
French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, is regarded as one of the most influential theorists and clinicians since Freud. Hundreds of books and articles have been written about his ideas; yet, his work is largely unknown to many American psychotherapists. Those who are familiar with Lacan typically describe his contributions as intriguing, but esoteric and enigmatic. Dr. Michael Gerson explores Lacan’s key constructs as they may be helpful to the psychotherapist. The discussion includes comparisons with object relations and ego psychology, systems theory, psycholinguistics, and neuroscience, and ends with applications to two clinical cases. This course consists of a PowerPoint video presentation by Dr. Gerson (1 hr. 15 min.), with written captions for review in multiple modalities. An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 4 CE credits. May be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired.  Intermediate level. $49.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Mindfulness Training: Body Scan Meditation and Informal Mindfulness Practices (2 CE Credits)
This mindfulness training course is designed for psychologists who are interested in applying the body scan and mindfulness practices.  Discussions are supplemented by practical tools, for application in a clinical setting or for personal use.  Topics include safe mindfulness training practices, with a sample client intake form; the body scan meditation, with a 20-minute audio file of a body scan for those who wish to experience it; suggestions for informal mindfulness practices, with a practice schedule and record form to aid follow-through; and troubleshooting suggestions for dealing with common problems that interfere with regular meditation.  The course material is presented by Dr. Marylie Gerson in both written and video formats, to allow for review in either modality.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow the course for 2 CE credits. Introductory level. $29. (suggested prerequisite: Mindfulness Training: Introduction, Attention, and the Present Moment)
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Mindfulness Training: Introduction, Attention, and the Present Moment (2 CE Credits)
Since its introduction to the mainstream of western medicine and society in the late 1970s, mindfulness has received considerable scholarly attention. Scientific research has demonstrated its effectiveness for stress reduction, emotional regulation, chronic pain, and a variety emotional and behavioral disorders. This introductory mindfulness basics course is designed for psychologists interested in learning about theory and research findings regarding what mindfulness is, its benefits, and the crucial roles of attention and a focus on the present moment. The course is the first in a series designed to prepare the clinician to use mindfulness in clinical practice. The material is presented by Dr. Marylie Gerson in both written and video formats, to allow for review in either modality, and includes a 1-hour PowerPoint video on attention and the now.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow the course for 2 CE credits.  Introductory level.  $29.
Online Continuing Education Courses in Psychotherapy
Modern Systems Thinking for Psychotherapy (2 CE Credits)
Gregory Bateson offered "a difference that makes a difference" as a definition of information, asserting an epistemology that is still greatly under-appreciated by many in the behavioral sciences, and especially by psychology.  This definition carries with it implications for relationships and systems as the most appropriate context for studying people, if not all living things.  Systems thinking differs from rationalism and empiricism in that it requires us to think in terms of patterns and relationships, rather than in terms of "truths" or things "out there" to be discovered, diagnosed, medicated, or removed.  In this course, constructs maintained by general systems theory, cybernetics, information and communication theory, complexity theory, and chaos theory are applied to an understanding of our patients.  This course consists of a PowerPoint video presentation with an audio narrative by Dr. Gerson.  An online multiple choice test and Certificate of Completion follow completion of the course for 2 CE credits.  Intermediate level.  $29.

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