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Promote Diversity and Tolerance through Learning and Continuing Education
By: Psych Studies

Home study psychology diversity tolerance continuing education

Old Attitudes and Behaviors Must Change With The Times

Diversity and tolerance are simply two words that describe ways people behave towards one another, and how they view certain things. Both are supposed to help form a society where all receive the same treatment and have the same opportunities and chances as anyone else no matter what their physical, cultural, or other characteristics may be. This world becomes more diverse every day. For the human race to have a chance, old attitudes and intolerance for another’s beliefs need to be left behind.

Imagine what it would be like to live in a place where differences in race, gender, culture, religious beliefs, or lifestyle choice didn’t matter? The United States is still the world’s melting pot where none of these differences are supposed to matter, and most are legally accepted. However, in day-to-day life, it’s usually a different story.

People tend to want to be around others who dress, behave and think as they do. Some have no problem being tolerant of another’s differences, but then there are those that condemn any one who is different for any reason.

One Person At a Time, Peace On Earth Is Possible

The holidays are supposed to be symbols of peace and unity. Peace isn’t a nation, it’s the heart of an individual. This is where the answer lies and, once freed of intolerance and hate, the human race can finally begin to celebrate differences instead of condemning them.

This year, use the holiday season for some self-evaluation to be in a more compassionate frame of mind and to leave intolerance behind. To avoid letting negativity get the best of you here are five things to keep in mind.

  • Educate yourself about all the different cultures on earth through written text, videos, travel, learning a new language, or maybe even a class in foreign cooking.
  • Learn to honor the differences in others, as you would want them to honor yours.
  • Raise your children to be tolerant of differences, and to accept that all are truly created equally.
  • Never base an opinion or belief about any culture solely on what you see or hear about them from modern media.
  • Fight against insisting that others should believe as you do, and let them choose their own path.

Education Provides A Way Out

Often, simply taking a class to promote diversity tolerance and taking a proactive approach helps encourage tolerance and understanding. Home study provides the space for learners to make the time, and thereafter, whatever you learn becomes permanent knowledge.

Many people who hold jobs outside the home find it easier to further their education when the workday is done. Home study psychology continuing education is highly recommended for psychologists, social workers, counselors, and nurses who truly want to understand how to promote diversity in their workplace.

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