


The objective of this pre-recorded1-hour mindfulness webinar is to familiarize participants with the two most important building blocks of mindfulness: attention and the present moment.

At the heart of mindfulness is the cultivation of attention to the present moment. The most common reason that people fail to pay attention to the present moment is that they are occupied by thinking, often about the past or the future. In this session, the role of thoughts and their relationship with the present moment are introduced, with some brief demonstrations.

This mindfulness webinar is offered without fee as a courtesy. It does not earn continuing education (CE) credits. We hope you enjoy it.

If you wish to earn CE credits, please select one of our online courses. We currently offer two video courses on mindfulness. Mindfulness Training: Introduction, Attention, and the Present Moment (2 CE Credits) presents the theory underlying mindfulness, as well as the substantial empirical support for the benefits and effectiveness of its techniques. Mindfulness Training: Body Scan Meditation and Informal Mindfulness Practices (2 CE Credits) discusses how the clinician can apply the techniques in practice, in an ethical manner. It includes a 20-minute audio file of a body scan activity and many practical suggestions that can be used by the clinician to help clients master the techniques. Learning mindfulness practices can be challenging--many participants struggle with such states as boredom, frustration, restlessness, or impatience. Tips are included regarding how to help participants overcome these challenges. Although difficult to master, regular mindfulness practices may have significant psychological and health benefits. Mindfulness practices extend far beyond focused meditation--informal mindfulness practices can be worked into one's everyday life.

APA Approved Sponsor





The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

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