Learn about Jacques Lacan and his theory, and earn 4 CE credits, by reading an article by an expert on his work (Johnston, Adrian, “Jacques Lacan”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2024 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2024/entries/lacan/>). Please contact our Director (mgersonphd@psychstudies.net) for help in accessing the publication. Lacan is a provocative figure in the history of psychoanalysis and relevant to a growing body of research in neuroscience, language development, and concepts of self and identity. He viewed himself as a defender of Sigmund Freud’s work, which he believed was often misinterpreted. Perhaps in part to prevent “misinterpretations” of his own work, he developed a writing style known for its complexity and elusiveness. A Certificate of Completion follows reading the article and passing an online multiple choice test. Intermediate level. This course may be applied to the Certificate of Advanced Study in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy if desired. $50.