We hope you enjoyed the course. The following information will be used to evaluate and improve the program so that services provided are of the highest quality possible. We very much appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
What is your current professional status (check all that apply):
Doctoral-level PsychologistMarriage and Family TherapistCounselorLicensed Marriage and Family TherapistLicensed Clinical Social WorkerPsychiatristOther (please specify):
Please rate the following items, using the scale below:
1 Not at All
5 Very Much
As a result of this learning activity, to what extent are you able to:
1: Describe the historical context of Jacques Lacan’s work and the work’s controversy. —Please choose an option—12345
2: Describe the evolution of Lacan’s Register Theory of the Real, the Imaginary, and the Symbolic. —Please choose an option—12345
3: Describe Lacan’s Mirror Stage and his distinction between “ego” and “subject”. —Please choose an option—12345
4: Describe Lacan’s conceptualizations of “otherness”. —Please choose an option—12345
5: Describe Lacan’s understanding of the Oedipus Complex. —Please choose an option—12345
6: Describe Lacan’s differentiation between need, demand, and desire. —Please choose an option—12345
7: Apply Lacan’s theory to clinical work with psychotherapy clients. —Please choose an option—12345
1 Very Little
5 Great Deal
How satisfied were you with this CE program? —Please choose an option—12345
How much did you learn as a result of this CE program? —Please choose an option—12345
1 Not Useful
5 Extremely Useful
How useful was the content of this CE program for your practice or other professional development? —Please choose an option—12345
How useful do you perceive this knowledge to be to psychological practice, education, and/or science? —Please choose an option—12345
The author/instructor was knowledgeable and demonstrated expertise in the subject. —Please choose an option—12345
The author/instructor was an effective presenter. —Please choose an option—12345
The material was presented effectively, in a manner conducive to my learning. —Please choose an option—12345
We are also interested in knowing how well we are doing in terms of other factors, including but not limited to: showing current scientific empirical support in our courses; describing the accuracy and utility of materials, their empirical basis, and limitations; demonstrating respect for diversity and addressing the applicability of material to diverse populations; maintaining standards that are appropriate for a postdoctoral level of training in psychology; addressing any potential severe or common risks; and addressing any possible conflicts of interest. Please let us know how we are doing and about anything we could improve:
Finally, please also rate the following items, using the scale below:
The program administrators were responsive and helpful. —Please choose an option—12345
How good was the quality of the audio and/or visual files? (leave blank if not applicable) —Please choose an option—12345
Please rate the accessibility of the written materials (e.g., journal article, transcript, etc.). (leave blank if not applicable) —Please choose an option—12345
Approximately how many hours did it take you to complete the program?
Please share any additional feedback: